Python for Lifetime — LIST

4 min readOct 2, 2021

LIST in brief

Lists can store a sequence of values of different data types. Lists are iterable.

Declaration & initialization:

Declaration and initialization

An empty list can be created using [] ,list() or list comprehension. Passing values within these as given in the above images will create list with values as shown in the above image.

List Operations :

‘+’ operator can be used to easily concatenate two lists.

All list values can be duplicated within the list using ‘*’ operator.

List Methods & Keywords:

When a function is associated with an object or a class, it is referred to as ‘method’.

Important list methods and keywords

Above image depicts the use of index(), count(), append(), extend() and insert() list methods.

index() — Gives the index of the item in the list.

count() — Gives the number of occurrences of the the item passed to the count() method.

append() — Appends the given item to the end of the list

extend() — Appends the given iterable item to the end of the list.

insert() — Insert the given element at the index mentioned.

append(new_value_append) vs extend(new_value_extend) — Although both of them appends values to the list, their behaviour is different.

append() will append new_value_append object to the list as it is , even if it is an iterable.

On the other hand, extend(new_value_append) will iterate through the given iterable object new_value_append and then append the elements one by one to the list.

Append vs Extend list methods
Reverse and sorting list items

reverse() — Reverses the order of list elements

sorted() — It will sort the list elements and returns a sorted list keeping the original list intact. By default the order is ‘ascending’ in nature. To achieve descending order sorting set reverse parameter as ‘ True’ . By default, reverse is ‘False’.

Example : sorted(myList2,reverse=True) — -> For descending order sort.

sort() — It will sort the list in ascending order by default. And the sorting changes will be reflected on the original list. A descending order sort can be achieved by setting reverse parameter to ‘True’.

Bonus : How to copy a list ?

Simply, assigning a list to another will make both the list variables refer to the same memory location. Any change to one list will reflect in the other.

In order to create a separate copy of the list, we use copy().

Removing or clearing list

remove() — Removes the first occurrence from index 0 of the given value from the list.

pop() — pop() will remove the last element in the list and return that value.

pop(index) — It will pop the element at the index specified and return that value.

del list_obj[1] — will delete the element from the list when the list with index is specified.

del list_obj — It will remove and deallocate the list_obj. Any further reference will lead to “Name ‘list_obj’ not found Exception”.

clear() — It will clear all the list elements and make it an empty list.

pop() and remove() are methods and can delete one value at a time. del on the other hand, is a keyword and can remove multiple values at a time.

Few ways to iterate through the list

These are few ways to iterate through the list elements using for loop. Same could be achieved using while loop as well.

Coming up next : Python for Lifetime — Tuples

Thank you for your patience.




Systems Engineer at TCS | Data Scientist | Python Developer